Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Haiku ~ written August 9-10 2009


peaceful companions
brainwashed like canine zombies
in Michael Vick's pit


a world with no "pets"
wild things, humans interact
life as it should be...


live for all you're worth
slumber with eternity
rise like you're the sun


sparrows pilot skies
one wing tied behind their back
outmaneuver jets


all the hope I held
all the time I had, useless
as penguin feathers


ignored and overlooked
but with forgiveness, no one
loves as hard as you


racing with the bus
heart pounding, disconsolate
just for one last look


bewildered puppy
watching the car speed away
tires spew landfill dust


my own mind police
synapses tazing themselves
into submission


our friend, innocence
is really just ignorance
as a frightened child


difference between
erotica and porno
porno tells the truth


fireflies are God's painting
living stars at night


one plus forever
multiplied by space and mind
is infinity


busy shopping mall
sparrow watches for bread crumbs
his small soul mindful...


when you think of God
don't try to guess his name
try to see his face


living on the street
having thoughts of "peace and light"
useless luxury


waiting for "the" life...
hope is much more dangerous
than it seems to be


fast food restaurant
pigeons considered vermin
feed them just the same


warm and slippery
I enjoy the smell of you
hair tickles my nose


red as a color
can make us buy valentines
or scare us to death


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